Tag Archives: ashley miller photography

Clients, Photographers, and a Whole Lotta Trust

30 Dec

It’s a scenario that I’m sure most all photographers and clients have been through at some point in time:

Client: “Are you sure this is gonna work?”

Photographer: “Yes, just trust me.”

Client: “Are you sure all these layers and patters will look o.k.?”

Photographer: “Yes, I promise.  Just trust me.”

Client: “This location, it looks a bit…um…not picturesque.  Are you…er…um…sure about this?”

Photographer: “It’ll look better than you can imagine and nothing like you’re picturing right now.  Just trust me.”

In all of my experiences in life and photography, the times I’ve prepared, prepped, and went with my gut instincts, are the times I’ve been happiest with my work.  They’re also the times the clients have been most proud of themselves in the work.

A good photographer will communicate with you before the shoot.  Find out about you, what your overall vision is (i.e. natural or urban setting, intimate or outgoing, etc.), coach you in what to wear if that’s not your forte, and guide you through the process.

Tori, one of my most favorite Seniors, wanted an urbanesque feel to her shoot.  When I drug her to some rough warehouse she didn’t look at me like I was straight up crazy, rather her reply was a trusting and confident, “This is fun.  Let’s do this!”

It’s sometimes hard to see beauty when surrounded by surface-level ugliness, but then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Beauty is everywhere, sometimes you just have to look hard to find it.  And don’t worry, if you can’t see it, your photographer will!

*A big thank you to Ms. Tina for this picture from her fab phone during our session!

Have a Blessed New Year!


30 Oct

Things I often hear parents say on a photo session with kiddos:

“I’m so sorry he’s not performing!”

“I canNOT believe she’s being this way!”

“Don’t worry.”  I try to reassure in my sweetest voice.  “ALL kids do this as some point. Even mine.”  Yes my kids, who are so used to having a camera shoved in their face they strike a pose when they see a dangling point-and-shoot hanging from one’s wrist!

I recently received some of the kindest words of encouragement from a friend that I haven’t seen in years.  The timing perfection.  The day: chaos.  My mind: scattered.  I was grateful for her words of encouragement – both as an individual and photographer.

I’m a bit of a dreamer.  I think. I fantasize.  I dream.  My grandmother, an author by trade and dreamer by nature, is my kindred-spirit.  Never once did she kill somebody’s dream.  She always encouraged them.

Dreams don’t always unfold in life as we envision, but they always breed vision.  They propel us.  Move us forward.  The same way an encouraging word does.

Hernán and I were just discussing how important our words are because they always seem to take root and head us in one direction or the other.  Words give life.  They are never stagnant.

Today, may you be an encourager to someone else  and be encouraged by these words:

“Therefore, encourage one another and edify one another, just as you are doing.” ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:11

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you have imagined.” ~Henry David Thoreau


That my kids DO have meld-downs during photo shoots.  Here is ZOE on her NOT-SO-BEST-BEHAVIOR during a recent photo shoot!

Birthdays, Balloons, & Little Miss Campbell

28 Oct

She is as delicate as a flower, with the spirit of a race-horse.  She’s taught those around her more about life in 8 short years, than most have the privilege of learning in a lifetime.  Joyful and loving, with a side of sass (she’s a true diva in her own right!), Campbell is one of the most endearing little girls I have ever met.

Campbell’s photo shoot went smashingly!  She performed like a champ and directed like a diva, knowing just where she wanted to walk and exactly how she liked to pose.

Those close to Campbell’s mother jokingly call her Coco (Um, you know.  Coco Chanel.).  Classic black.  Layers of pearls.  And a splash of Chanel.  That’s her style.  But really that’s not at all a fair comparison.  She carries herself with more grace and class than Coco could ever dream of. She provides unconditional love to her family. Is the strength when all around her gives way.  She is selfless.  She is loyal.

Little Miss Campbell, I pray you have the most blessed 8-year birthday bash a girl could have.  You are precious beyond words.  Much love.

Family Session: The Mitchell Family

27 Oct

“The Cardinals are playing.”

“Really, mom?  Pictures.  Will it take long?”

These are just a few of the things Jake and Sam were concerned about before we started the family photos.

“Don’t worry.  I promise to make this quick and painless.  Why, I bet you even have fun before we’re done!”  I told the boys.

They exchanged an I-don’t-think-that-is-possible look that only brothers ages 7 and 6 can give without words and completely understand.

We had fun.  They had fun. Just look at the pictures.  These boys are handsome.  The family, so lovely.

By the way, I’m convinced that if I bottled Sam and Jake’s energy and sold it, it would annihilate both Red Bull AND 5-Hour energy!